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Dwindling Freedoms but in the name of Safety, Laws and Supervision..Lots to think about Out Loud (on line anyway and ideally anonymously..)

on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 16:16

Hearing about what a savvy parent was encouraging her middle school kids to say if they were feeling strongly about standing up for what they believed and for rooting for someone insulted, I shared the following. Any dicey topics (Level 3 I call them as I've made up basic categories of Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 etc) to give examples of ways to frame social interactions and conversations in person, on the phone, with email or in writing or other documents (such as legal statements or court documents, etc.)

Everyone can be informed early and often that life can have twists and turns.Whatever

As Thousands of Children are Again Detained (a recent news report said), ALL should take note and precautions

on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 04:53

ALL Parents need to face the music that 'kids can be up for grabs' with rules and regs one cannot even imagine...Denial is helpful in ways, but never preparing for the 'craziest turns of events' is not a cure all or sound protective strategy...Knowledge is power. 

Tune into some basics about our own 'civil war' playing out in courts and many homes and parental or intimate relationships (kids, pets, property and adults can all be put in peril by conflict, mental illness, drug use, and much more...and again, No One Warns Anyone...)

Sadly 'getting legally married' may not be the most practical

Life Care Specialist...or "Elderly Care Consultant.." or End Of Life Doula (EOLD) roles all seek to assist people to face health challenges and declines in health and mortality...

on Sun, 01/13/2019 - 21:16

As part of a group of caring individuals who have taken trainings to become an "E-OLD" or  End of Life Doula (a support person in terms of information and care, not as a medical, legal or social service professional), we share many ideas.

One that is coming up is about 'what to call ourselves' in terms of what people can readily understand, consider and accept to help us connect with them in a caring, non-medical, non-legal yet professional manner. Some may feel 'all of this information' is online or easy enough to find with help from a librarian, a doctor or senior center or attorney.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Extinction Rebellion US for January 26th, 2019 Update!

on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 18:49

Check out this Very Newsy E-Mail I just got about Extinction Rebellion US...Time is of the essence for US-All! All Aboard...plans a leavin'! I did not write the following, just posting the info but I have heard we are on the brink for a while now...Many people are informed in small ways, but this is the Mama of Getting the Message Out so please post the link to the FB and other key info like the Jan. 12th, 2019 NYC event at the Quaker Meeting House and the Jan. 26th, 2019 ExtinctionRebellion Day (with many events around the world.)

Here is the declaration that was affirmed at the first XR

A New Neighborly Start at the Start of the New Year, 2019 (and even monthly or weekly...)

on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 16:08

This post has been brewing for a while and a hundred folks had read something about the problems that can creep up in and around one's property and relationships with neighbors.

I figure it could be a plus to ring a bell of clearance and light a candle in the darkness of confusion of the help us start a new path of care and considerate communication and concessions without growing conflict or courts and police, etc.

Just good ol' neighborly making a plan to 'go along to get along' with taking turns being nice and sharing an interest in cooperation over competition.
