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Don't Get Trapped in Theories and 4D Reality...

on Thu, 06/13/2019 - 04:49 is the second talk I have heard tonight, the first being one by Peter Fenwick from England on Ted Talks and Youtube. There are many levels of existence (11 levels...) and much we don't comprehend (see 30 minutes into this talk which says we are 'stuck with our old scientific views that we are in 4-D, but that's only 4% of our world.)

String theory explores that thought underlies the reality of the universe...moreso than matter.

Thanks to All Volunteer Rescue People.. Let's Make Their Job Less Frequently Needed With Slowing Down and"Not Drinking & Driving" (#ND&D)

on Wed, 06/12/2019 - 18:19
Thanks to all who are training..The more basic first aid and Safety Planning for All States (and Countries) the fewer crises may emerge. Please 'Think Before You Drink' if driving ("Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving" as the billboards say.
The blood alcohol content (BAC) legal limit is about one drink for women and two for men generally, but if one has a collision due to their drinking who wants to believe that was 'an unavoidable accident' ?
Eating food and waiting may help but 'why push one's luck' and everybody else's in one's car or on the road?

Over 4000 Americans Died in 2019 by June 6th ( 1944 D-Day 75th Anniversary):A Set of Reflections

on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 16:02

An article from the Washington Post read: More people were killed by March 6th this year than died on D-Day

A friend posted this news of how over 4K deaths occur from guns by June 6th, D-Day, in America. She then asked 'what are we going to do about it?" I put the following down yet also learned that the majority of deaths are due to suicide. Of those I wonder how many are terminally ill or very old feeling that they don't want to decline. (Note: I share many reflections on an array of topics as they came to mind, so pace yourself and read over the course of a couple of days maybe.

Learning more about the Time (and Timing) of Pentecost in Early June, or 90 Days after Easter (so a few more days than that after Passover)

on Mon, 06/10/2019 - 18:53
Here's a post I put on as a comment regarding the ability of people to rebound from hard times, whether personally or in a larger context. God was given the credit and the Holy Spirit. That is the Christian view. I have learned more variations on the theme of seeing Jesus as a teacher, a messenger or Messiah of G-d, and his Holy Spirit or that aspect of the Trinity (God the Father, Creator or Life-Giver, God the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit (God's spirit or some may see that as another aspect of God and Jesus influencing a person spiritually through their spirit.)
Having grown up in a

Summer Time is a Super Time for Safety-Mindedness, Agreements and Actions (in that Order Please!)

on Mon, 06/10/2019 - 15:20

May and June are naturally intoxicating times...the warmer temperatures (generally) in the northern climates feel like answered prayers people haven't even had time to pray in the cold, windy days of fall of winter. Then it's about 'get home, get warm and don't freeze if you don't have heat.'

In NYC there was a shortfall of help so many people did do a Big Chill over the Winter. In the summer, depending on air conditioning, people stand to have Melt Downs or be in Heat Traps.

In urban areas, getting cool may mean pouring water over one's head or hoping a fire hydrant is working, staying out
