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July 2019 North Canaan CT Railroad Days, Parade and Fireworks as well as Poetry Is Music A Whopping Success!

on Wed, 07/31/2019 - 14:53
Great batch of pictures on the Northwest Corner Chatter on FB inspired this post. The photos of fire trucks and ambulances and many towns coming together with their volunteers marching all deserved great applause and monetery support (in other efforts such as the Falls Village Car Show which benefitted the Falls Village Fire Department for 10 years running now.) Thanks for donating yout time, talent and treasure and living safely and respectfully in the communities as a way of being a team player and sharing your thanks too.
One parade photo by Kevin Miller also included a sign of "Speed

Many Ways to Celebrate Community, Thank Heroes and Dig Deep to Make Meaningful Strides at This Critical Time in the US for POTUS Election

on Wed, 07/31/2019 - 13:49
A wonderful tradition with so many sharing the same meaningful mission to join efforts and provide care and inspiration for people to live and drive safely, be neighborly and celebrate the many great things about communities that have been strong for over two hundred and fifty years...
We need to keep counting on recruiting people intentionally to take on the skilled roles of jobs that other larger towns hire people to do.
There are training opportunities in New York I just heard about so maybe some people would want to go to those programs and circle back with some of their talents

Beauty and The Beast a helpful prompt to talk shop (about relationships, friendships, abuse, cultures, laws and more)

on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 22:33
I wrote a poem inspired in part from seeing this... More people should look at what's portrayed and compare to basic 'domestic abuse in relationships'...The first few assaults that create fear in others would be offenses meriting a protective order (if Belle applied for one.) Any physical touch that harmed her or was threatening would be grounds for an arrest.
May as well use the 'teachable moments' for everyone to update their awareness of the big difference between theater and real life.

Fixin' things Before they are (obviously or likely) Broken...with hope and care

on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 04:35

Thank you to all who have taken time to learn of the events that transpired ten years ago when a group of youths unfortunately went to the Falls in Falls Village Ct on a high, fast-water day. The main problems were minors going (even with permission from some adults) and the fast water, particularly going into the water.

Three youths were saved and for that we could ring some bells and have a special time of gratitude...for all who have miracle saves or survive close calls.

Driving Safely to your Destination, Buddy Driving Coaching and Validation, Being Willing to Be Driven to stay in the game

on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 02:07

This post is one I put on a thread about driving disasters and concerns in the Northwest Corner Chatter. There are about a dozen people pondering this question, so likely it's a common problem all over the country. We are a small, rather friendly and reasonable population, but not so much all are in that mode..especially on the road.  Another tip about passing...ideally Don't Do It if there's no real need..if you are only going a short distance (a few miles more for instance.
