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A few thoughts shared with my friends on Yes to Success FB page (just a thou or so folks) and now You!

on Sat, 07/25/2020 - 18:10
I've been frying a few fish, so to speak and heard the talk about info (and they are offering a cool program starting next week.)
Marci Shimoff is talking it up too (and it's a 500 dollar program so a stretch for me but let me know if you do it and maybe we can keep networking...) I am donig the Dr.

See course that help build up neural pathways and more

on Sat, 07/25/2020 - 16:46

I am hearing a talk today called The Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter and other experts. There are many people coming forward sharing that we have power beyond what was previously understood. Organelles in our body connect with cosmic planetary forces... I know sounds "out there' but we're also talking about the deep wisdom and amazing ways our bodies, minds and souls can heal here in our human form on earth. There's so much about 'the stories based in fear' can create imbalance and dissonance...

If we are identified by the mind then we feel victimized and compromised...with a mask of misery

Passing along Impt Info: Before July 30th, 2020 Contact Legislators in MA on this Impt Death With Dignity Act

on Sat, 07/25/2020 - 16:28
  • Help make Massachusetts . . .

    ** the 10th state (Maine, Vermont, New Jersey, California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Colorado, Montana) plus Washington DC to legalize the end-of-life option for terminally ill people called Death with Dignity, also known as medical, compassionate aid in dying;   AND


    ** the only state in the nation to pass such a law this year, thereby greatly improving the chances of other states, such as New York, New Hampshire, Maryland, Connecticut, Ohio, and New Mexico) to do so next year!


    Besides the beauty and gifts of summer--peaches, corn, day lilies, and enough rain--

We need to order up what we want from a catalogue, in a restaurant or Life! Maybe Shoppers are gurus in disguise!

on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 01:24

Hello to Everybuddy from the third session of Debra Poneman's Say Yes To Success with 1300 other people from around the world! Apparently we were 'hand-picked' and represent the world to help the river of grace flow in humanity.

Talk about Christmas in July, we're working on wish lists to Be, Do, See with abandon. We can dream big or as a team...much like the energy of this awesome group. There are a ton of bonuses by the way, so consider the possibility as I did. There was a 30 day money back guarantee (of the 100 dollar investment) and can keep the bonuses.

Putting things in a positive to

Enjoy Meeting Presenters via The Virtual New Life Expo, Free on Sunday July 12th, 2020

on Thu, 07/09/2020 - 19:46

1:45am - Introduction -

 Mark Becker

12:00pm - "Learn how you can


Life in the next 90 days" - 

Dr. Joshua Siegel


12:30pm - "Healing your pet

comes first" -

Dr. Geoffrey Broderick


1:00pm "Learn the Secrets of Anti-Aging,

Disease Prevention & Recovery"

 Dr. Ronald Drucker


1:30pm - “Divine Healing For

Challenging Times”

Christopher Macklin


2:00pm “Building Super Immunity" 

Gary Gil


Get FREE tickets at:



