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Live Life CouRageously With Love! By Catherine Palmer Paton (aka Blogger)

on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 04:45
    To the Editor (of The Lakeville Journal of Ct and Wider World)
The world is beckoning one and all to make a choices about life and death, from the earliest stages of each and on scales from the personal to the political and 'pandemic' level.

 What's a person to do who has little say in the matters to do? Seemingly 'nothing' but giving people a sense of hope and belonging can help move the bar toward planning to 'stick together no matter what' with respect and collaboration.

 "Not so fast" many may say, we're losing our rights to gather, to voice opinions, to fight takeovers of one's body,

Rural MA/NY CT Communities Come Together to Support the Yang and Tamang Families with a Go Fund Me after a Fire with a Double Fatality

on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 04:19

So much comes up for anyone hearing a fire siren knowing 'this one is serious'...I heard these alarms and realized it was down the road from where I was...and thankfully some were saved (with a quick brave soul, Frank Duncan, helping Amy out after breaking a window and putting lumber in place for her to use to get down from the second floor...) Here is the link. All donations and shares appreciated...GoFundMe campaign 

I have a friend who told me of his close call with a fire that started from cigarette embers on his porch swirling about in a way they lit the house ablaze late sharing songs from Lockdown in New Zealand...songs of hope!

on Thu, 11/11/2021 - 21:14 Check out more ways to network for entrepreneurs on I have been part of it for a year or two and recommend it highly...Best to all and check out the FB pages (and first time guests are free!)


Check out a Free Program online with Joe Dispenza...starting soon!

on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 15:23

"The Key To Experiencing Your  DESIRED Future Now" is a four-part online workshop with Joe Dispenza starting November 11th, 2021. Sign up via (and there's likely lots more, so try not to get distracted...) 

There's also THIS going on so check that out..sometimes Timing Is Key! I am sharing as was sent in an email to me by a friend, and here's her contact info too..

Peggy Cross, A.S.I.D.
Author of the forthcoming book "Say Yes To The Universe"
 Feng Shui practitioner
757-962-0933  239-450-4554
Virginia Beach, VA  23454

"Breathe Fully (like filling a balloon 360 degrees), Drive Mindfully (with hands at 9 and 3 and shoulders relaxed), and Enjoy Candace Cabrera's Tips on #TeamGNC!"

on Mon, 11/08/2021 - 18:39

Who has time to Think About Working Out or Blending Stretches and massage into one's daily routine to pamper what keeps the bones and muscles in working order? Okay that was a trick question since basically no one 'has the time' but many may be up for Watching a Video for a Few Minutes and Make the Time (a little here and there is "Okay and a smart move" according to Candace Cabrera on her delightful videos made with #TeamGNC.

As for the supplements that are suggested at times whether something you've heard of or a weirder one like ashwaganda, check into that with your doctor and natural
