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Listening...a poem of coaching tips to keep in your home and at the polls when Voting

on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 14:58

LISTENING by Catherine Palmer Paton, #ListeningbyCPalmerPaton

Learn (to listen, laugh and love)

Inquire (Why? What Beliefs, Feelings and Experiences?)

Summarize (The Sense of What is Conveyed and Main Points)

Talk (Tell, Don't Yell. Care and Share Attention to Concerns and Ideas)

Empathize (With Reflecting Back What You Heard About Who, What, Where, When and Why Someone Feels Things Went That Way)

Negotiate (How Much Time to Engage Online, On the Phone or Skype, In Writing or In Person With Support People as well as Topics and Ground Rules)

Investigate (All Sides of a Situation,

Get Smart About Serious Vaccines Concerns: See VAXXED (for free until 11-8-18) online

on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 03:31

While our country is gearing up for a key VOTING DAY on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, there are other issues to pay close attention to for the safety of young children. More parents need to know the history of vaccines and comprehend the politics and 'secret record keeping' that has allowed for too many tragic injuries and likely many cases of autism.

The MMR program (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) in Canada then in England and sadly on into Brazil had to be revised after they caused many cases of meningitis.

On Your Mark, Get Set (with a Story or Two) and VOTE!

on Sat, 11/03/2018 - 14:11

Here are two stories, one written and one audio (at this time, I plan to get the text published soon--someway, some how so let me know if you want to help on that venture!)  Just google the following and they should pop up. The first is about making friends and helping one another on life's journey which has ups and downs and storms but hopes as well.

The Turtle and The Acorn by Catherine Palmer Paton

The audio of the next one which you can also google, The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton, takes us on a journey into a world of possibilities 'just below the surface' and raises

Happy Voting Day Tuesday Nov 6th! Wanting to be positive here and encourage making choices for our planet and her people!

on Sat, 11/03/2018 - 01:58

November is the most important month of the year in the USA, so don't miss out on the Voting Opportunities in your state in the United States. Doublecheck the logistics of what you need, where and when the polls are.Getting time to get there, rides, and alternate plans for care for anyone could also be factored in.

Remember IDs and even a bottle of water and snacks in case you are waiting in line a while... All the best and tell a friend.

Recycling In Winter and Throughout the Seasons of Our Lives--Lend a Hand While Still on Land

on Fri, 11/02/2018 - 19:29

You never know where a good deed will lead...and generally that's down a path of very cool networking and nice things in return...but sometimes Not So Much (or At All...) But our game of life with the big IF in the middle is full of Possibil-I-Ties. The "I" in that means any one of in you or I, or other friend or family member, neighbor, fellow student or group member.

That realm of the one and the many having some interplay intentionally and even without a plan is being touted as the new insight we want to play to our advantage...and for our fellow creatures and life forms on the
