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Hey There Every Buddy, Missed You Lots But Happy To Be Back Online to Wish You all Wonderful Things in December 2018!

on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 00:59

Sometimes the Universe says it's time to take a "Time Out". Mine came in the form of me splashing some water on my computer keyboard when putting my drink down when my screen was tilted slightly forward. I think was distracted as in on the phone let's learn from my error...Even seated and alone in a room at a computer is not a time to allow drinks within spilling range of the computer by the user or others. I could have put the drink on a shelf behind me or even on the floor. Some moments do not allow for a do-over.

At 4am Wed. 11-7-18, I am seeing Representative Maria Horn (CT-Dem) Won, 5776 over 5716 (60 votes folks!) for Brian Ohler (CT-Rep) for the 64th District

on Wed, 11/07/2018 - 09:25

As it turns out, I fell asleep during my ten-minute nap around midnight hoping to wake up by 12:30am and find out Who Won for Governor and for our local Northwest Corner in CT. Here's what I wrote on my Facebook page after finding the news on the site of Marshall Miles, a radio host and very involved member of the community.

Well I fell asleep and just found this out (at 3:40 am) in case anyone else did the same and is looking for the latest in our CT Races...

Here's between Maria Horn (Dem):5776 and Brian Ohler (Rep):5716.

I think everyone is appreciative of the many important strides Brian

Remember that Football Superbowl Game that Went Into Double Overtime?.... some of these elections remind me of that..

on Wed, 11/07/2018 - 04:01

It's now 11pm on November 6th, 2018. We in CT are closely watching for the results about who is Governor of CT...Ned Lamont (Democrat) or Bob Stefanowski (Republican)...and it's looking like Bob at this point by a small margin.

 In the northwest corner of CT, a close race between Brian Ohler (R) and Maria Horn (D) is in Brian's favor however Kent has not been counted and there are at least 1000 votes. So there's quite a few folks watching this ballot counting as though in double overtime...

I'll post this and update as I can but wanted to catch the spirit and with the winners, however it

Mama, It's Okay by Catherine Palmer Paton (in memory of teen son reflecting support)

on Tue, 11/06/2018 - 15:36

Mama, It's Okay if you still miss me

Mama I know I'm still in your heart

Papa I see you workin'

Making Your way through each day

Papa I'm proud to be your son

even though I had to step away

Sisters I hear you sharing

Your hopes, your dreams, your fears

Sisters Thank you for bringing

Your love, your help, your tears

Brothers, all who feel they are my friends

We strive and touch the stars

Our hearts soar like eagles

In living fully and through scars

Grandpas, your deep love keeps me rooted

From one realm to the next

Your steadfast care sees me through

Good times and bad, for

Australia's Government Apologizes to Institutional Abuse Victims (see online coverage)

on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 22:40

Every country, state and major organization and school could likely stand to 'add their apologies' to those harmed over the decades and any being harmed currently...and from most accounts, that is still a travesty some are suffering. Likely we need code words to help victims let others know what they suffered, encouragement to let harm be tallied to map out the basic geographic and social arena in which the abuse if not injury or death occurred and the many types of violators (organizes, private etc.) 

All of these are horrible maladies of our times and the world over.
