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Gregg Braden Explaining How To Pray With Emotion With Feeling that Your Prayer has Already been Answered

on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 21:31

I feel fortunate to have found a talk I wanted to hear the other day, so here it is for you to listen to or see some comments I tried to capture about ten minutes into it.... Very inspiring stuff and concurs with much of what I've learned and come to believe from many paths in my life.

"Whatsoever you ask in the name of my Father...." (with clear belief  and trusting loving emotion that the prayer will be granted.) Gregg Braden explores with history of the church with the critical changes that occurred in teachings in 325 AD during the time of Constantine.


A few tales about Halloweens past, present and future (to preface the post below also)

on Thu, 10/31/2019 - 16:58

What were some of the favorite times you had on Halloween nights or times near then in the past, in your childhood or when rearing your kids? Some of my earliest memories were dressing up in any funny way with stuff from around the house.

A bunch of us skinny little kids would dress up with pillows stuffed in big shirts or dresses to become older heavier ladies. We'd get pocketbooks and high heeled shoes on and a dress many sizes too big from older sisters. How would we keep the pillows in place for our enlarged busts and bellies you wonder?

Easy, tight belts and maybe a rope securing the

Postponing Halloween Due to Storms on the East Coast? Fair enough it safe, sing a few songs at home to celebrate Folk-Legacy Records, Inc

on Thu, 10/31/2019 - 03:43

In addition to October 31st being Halloween, it's also the founding date of Folk-Legacy Records, Inc which is now part of the Smithsonian Folk Ways Collection. So if the winds are howling outside and the rain pounding down on your rooftop, find a friend or your inner songster and sing along with a song from the Folk Legacy collection of over 150 albums (and CDs) many of which are on youtube. 

Whenever you celebrate the last day of October, whether for Halloween, your own sense of completion of September and October, getting into the groover of fall, school, work, and gearing up for the

Handy Tips for Handling Health Insurance Actual Coverage Month to Month

on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 16:00

Before confusing the issue of insurance, my new game plan is to call the insurance company every time I have a doctor appointment, medical procedure (whether bloodwork, a hospital procedure or even getting medical equipment like a blood pressure cuff or blood sugar monitor or glucose monitor or strips. Some of those are only covered by certain official medical supply pharmacies even if one has insurance. They may be able to deliver the products if not nearby to where one resides.)

Anyone ever feel content to have figured out insurance only to find out 'certain procedures if not all' need

Bill Philipps, New Life Expo, Kripalu and Practical Safety Tips to Tune Into With Intuition and Common Sense

on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 03:55
For those curious about Bill Philipps,, he had 60 people seek insights and messages 'from the other side' at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA and has two books out. He's also giving a class in developing one's intuition and more at Kripalu in Lenox MA this weekend.
In the course of thinking I'd signed up to hear his talk and looking for a ride back from the event, I called to see if they could let me know if people from NWCT area had signed up. That was going to be tricky but they said they'd see me at 6pm.
Then I got a call from them that said I hadn't
