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Needed Now in A Big Way, Hope you can join in the Effort online and more!

on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 18:21 is ready to launch its next season, going strong since the pandemic to keep people inspired and connected!
Please register now for the
New Season March to June 2023 at:  

Exciting Steps At Libraries...since their founding, expanding and going for the gusto!

on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 03:25

Read any good books lately or hear of some? How about movies, documentaries (see Canary at your library...or request it) or stories (including ebooks) that you may want to hear online but need a subscription to?

When we hear about job lay-offs, declines in the economy and in many faith circles and even schools and business activities, that could get a community 'down in the dumps.' Even though more people have cell phones, including Androids and iPhones and even laptops, tablets, desk top and other kind ofs of media...television, radio (even online) and music and more, it's not a given that

Thanks for Keeping It on the Road of Safety and Respect whether Driving, Living or Swimming As the Weather Warms

on Sat, 03/25/2023 - 01:57

I want to give another 'shout out of thanks' to all who work in the field of Emergency Response Services. Minutes matter and the team work, mutual aid and of course skills, drive and abilities that people who train or otherwise pitch in to render service is incalculable. I do outreach 'starting about this time of year' to remind people to be extra careful around water (especially rivers and such that may be deep, fast, rocky or even lakes if people are drinking or pushing limits whether boating, swimming, jumping in when it's basically warm enough to do so without freezing and so on.)


When Someone Dies Unexpectedly, it's a good time to take a walk, pray and connect and rest and reflect over the days and trust

on Thu, 03/23/2023 - 04:20

Due to HIPPA sometimes the name of a person who died cannot be shared publicly until certain criteria are met. Still everyone can hold the person 'whoever that may be' in a positive light especially in the first few days of transition (called Threshold work in some communities) to help with the soul's journey to the next realm.

The Sage Foundation Offering Matching Funds Up To $500K Thru 12/31/23 to Ashokan Center!

on Thu, 03/23/2023 - 00:26

Thanks for learning and sharing about and the wonderful programs they provide on their special campus in upstate NY.

The Sage Foundation is Offering Matching Funds for Donations Up To a total of $500K Thru 12/31/23 to Ashokan Center!

Thank you to all who can ask a few friends to join them in donating or sharing the info as well on social media and with groups to help this be as successful as possible.

This is the handy link to use for donations of any amount. It all adds up and makes a great difference!

If businesses, schools and faith groups are
