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One of hundreds of requests to people to help a couple having problems...feel free to use to encourage others to prevent downward spirals of difficulty and danger

on Mon, 06/14/2021 - 15:30

To a friend of a friend (or someone closer in one's circles...Maybe even oneself)

And if you're
> thinking about prayer, that'd be a help for two people, with one pursuing a contentious

divorce when they need help with addiction and control..

That person is divorcing the other again (after a six month action the prior year which was withdrawn.)

More mandates for the sober safe person and parent were put in place for  by abusive one to comply with. Even doing so,

the abusive one decided to take advantage of a difficult time in the safe person's life and pursue an action full-tilt, wanting

Now Enjoy This... flash sale on a helpful book and review earlier post about the solar eclipse online meditation on 6/10 with

on Tue, 06/08/2021 - 23:00

Here's from a friend on June 8th, 2021...

Today is the day to discover the new book, Awakening the Divine Feminine, 18 Stories of Healing, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Check it out here: 

This is a treasure trove of heartfelt, inspiring stories from me and my seventeen co-authors, who have transformed their deepest challenges into a source of strength to help others heal. These stories are meant to not only inspire you but to give you the tools and techniques needed to help you find healing, strength, and embrace your true power. 

It’s been a joy and honor

A summary of a talk I heard about the product Vital Reds full of Polyphenols which might help one's health

on Mon, 06/07/2021 - 19:14

I am sharing info I learn of and resources to check out with your own professional, qualified health practitioners. I am not endorsing or recommending any particular products, programs or people on my blog here, but sharing info for more people to consider and save time learning about things...

 I am hearing a talk online by Dr. Steven Gundry  of Yale Univ.

Keeping Options Open along with seeing the world with new hearts, ears and eyes to be wise!

on Sat, 06/05/2021 - 17:49 is the link to learn more about how women and youth will be cashing in on the flow of funds coming their way...more than most realize and mushrooming toward 2/3 of the wealth in the country by 2030 (that's mainly for women but kids are close to their hearts and usually better supported than if a fellow is in charge of funds...and that's the world over.) Now is a good time to plant seeds not only in gardens but in efforts to receive wealth in her many forms...and with friends to enjoy it more fully.

I have a book Unconditional Money by David Cates about the

Drum roll for Ageless Living... Who's Up for That?! I thought so...Check out this invite

on Fri, 06/04/2021 - 03:10

This 5-hour event will be truly unprecedented. What these experts have to share is literally going to change your life forever.

You only have one life, you might as well live it filled with vibrant health!


WHAT: 5-Hour Ageless Extravaganza

9 Experts Share Their Secrets for Lifelong Health and Radiant Aging

(with time for LIVE Q&A!)

WHEN: Saturday, June 5th beginning at 9:00 AM PDT/12 noon ED
See you on Saturday.


To your Ageless health and longevity,

Debra and Ronnie

P.S. Feel free to invite your friends and family to this event by sharing this link - 
