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Ho-ho-ho! A Day Off (from being our regular sElves) for US All,poem inspired by an older fellow who chooses to live outdoors in Great Barrington MA (but sometimes is threatened with jail for trespassing) from about 2015 By Catherine Palmer Paton

on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 21:55

Can't walk on water but can trudge on ice

Seems a bit crazy but is really quite nice,

With a torn signature coat

This soul reminds US-All not to gloat.

Seeing a twinkle in his eye

 We start to wonder why

"Is this his or our choice?"

Do any of us really have a clear voice?

How can we make some noise and 

Ask what's going on for all of us girls and boys?

Is it all about wearing fancy pants, 

Knowing the moves and how to 'really dance'?

What roles can we play in a movie, 

The down-to-earth ones or only ones that are groovy?

 Could we disappear and reappear readily,

 Live on the

Off to Canada for a Grand Prix Type Weekend! Come Along! Hojanay with love to those above too (Good Vibes)!

on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 13:46

I invite you to listen in on my quick trip to Montreal, Canada from New York City from Wednesday, June 8th through Sunday, June 12th, 2016. I was unaware of the tragic event unfolding in Orlando, Florida at the Pulse Club shortly after 2am on Sunday. I will continue to pray for healing for all families and communities who were first line and secondary victims as well as US All who have much to think about deeply locally and globally to prevent such downturns in our free society.

As some theories suggest, a person's soul may take a few days to transition completely so let's keep those who

Whistle a little Tune this June...for fun and maybe in memory of a loved one too!

on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 18:41

This June 2016, while people are worrying about political nightmares that seem to be real when they wake up, why not take a commercial break and think of some loved ones, including precious self, and sing a song of gratitude that someway, somehow, everything's '

worked out, so far...more or less. What IF our loved ones on the other side (and even here) could hear our thoughts? My Mom Mary's been in heaven 12 years now, and my Dad Dale 9 years.

Regarding HOT Cars, Do as I Say, and Don't Take Risks (speeding or leaving people in them) Unnecessarily--good advice for US All to Implement Daily, even Hourly and More...

on Wed, 06/01/2016 - 14:48

Watching a second video in a few years of a well-trained and well-meaning adult demonstrate how hot a car gets in a short amount of time, with friends nearby but with doors locked.

 I took exception to the demonstration for the following reasons. Ideally, the temperature rising could have been shown simply by videoing that from outside the car (even opening the door if need be and taking the temperature at intervals...the overall point would be clear still, that even a few minutes in a heated car can be dangerous.

Remembering Every Buddy On Special Occasions and Daily...

on Tue, 05/31/2016 - 14:50
Thanks for all your hard work with others at this time of Memorial Day 2016 and many projects for years now from politics locally and on the state level to important outreach about difficult topics such as opiate addiction, Brian Ohler and friends. This thread on FB Northwest Corner Chatter along with the earlier announcements about the Memorial Day events happening on the radio, in the newspaper and elsewhere give people time to reflect even if they did not have a way to attend the services. ( I shared this on the Northwest Corner Chatter FB page, which is a closed group of 3K or so.
