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Whistle a little Tune this June...for fun and maybe in memory of a loved one too!

on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 18:41

This June 2016, while people are worrying about political nightmares that seem to be real when they wake up, why not take a commercial break and think of some loved ones, including precious self, and sing a song of gratitude that someway, somehow, everything's '

worked out, so far...more or less. What IF our loved ones on the other side (and even here) could hear our thoughts? My Mom Mary's been in heaven 12 years now, and my Dad Dale 9 years. They both made it into their 80s and with plenty of life experience (and family and friends, adventures such as WWII in which my Dad served for 3 years also) to tell of their earthly adventures. Our teen son Kaelan will be there in heaven 7 years so...why not think of them if you don't happen to have anyone there yet and realize they'd all be up for a little tune you whistle, or walk you take out in nature or even in your mind's eye on the beach. Rest and listen and enjoy each day. Need to sign off but sending this up and out in love and peace for US All...

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