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Reconnective Healing Global Webinar by Eric Pearl and Others --worth learning about

on Sat, 12/09/2017 - 18:44

 What would it take to do an international outreach to empower people in practical ways to meet and consider aspects of healing and a unique 'hands-off' (not touching a person) directly but working near them or doing a distance process? Some may think it would have be to organized by a worldwide organization, either for-profit or a not-for-profit. To train with the organizers in person over the last twenty years for a weekend or more might have cost a few thousand dollars...

Yet Eric Pearl and his teaching team and collaborators have engaged upwards of 100K people from many countries for

A Dream Come True ...a story and a reality that can inform our understanding of being human) Lots of other modalities too..happy pondering!

on Sat, 12/09/2017 - 17:03

Flying Dragon of the Divine by Qi Feilong is an amazing set of stories about the real experiences of world renowned qigong Master Qi Feilong (whose Shaolin name is Shi Delong.)  With decades of experiences around the world it's hard to believe we haven't heard of him on the mainstream media. Maybe there has been coverage and we weren't ready to hear about it. One of his pamphlets shares that he gave a talk as an invited guest to Harvard medical students on alternative healing modalities.

In Addition to Opening Presents, How About Learning about for the brighter future and opportunities in learning we all deserve

on Tue, 12/05/2017 - 22:13

If there is a prize for the longest blog post title, maybe I'll get it with one of these gems. I allow whatever to flow to sit there and not need revisioning (maybe an additional few words come to mind after a post evolves.) I will say that a heroic fellow I know happened to be the one to be tuned into some funny sounds while not being able to get a good night's sleep and took a minute to Get Up and Check things Out...

There was a fire and he didn't hesitate to Pull the Fire Alarm!

Creating a Receptive Prayerful Site and Resource Center to Help People Who Are Nearing Their Earthly End and After They Pass for 3 Days Plus (and for their Family)

on Tue, 12/05/2017 - 04:21

A very long post title but wanting to share this Idea..The site and resource center does not exist yet. It's time is coming. Some may assume 'somebody's figured this all out', how to help people when in their dying days, how to 'be there' bedside or as near as possible physically and emotionally ...and spiritually even if not there in person.

Ever Wonder Out Loud About Instagram and Animation that Repeats? (EWOLAIAATR?)

on Mon, 12/04/2017 - 02:49
This instagram of a kid zipping between one side of the hall lockers to the other like a swimmer doing a side stroke with a push off one edge of the locker on the floor to the other. is entertaining for a minute..then I wish we'd be able to press the pause button. Legs are strong by the way and can be used in defense to push someone off of one if in a compromised or dangerous situation.
Women can appreciate their leg strength more than commonly taught, but some practice for mind and basic strategy is good.
