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December 2019, from warm to finding the inner glow and higher road

on Wed, 12/04/2019 - 16:14
Thanksgiving into December 2019 is turning into quite a special month to pay attention to given the weather bringing snow and winds that have affected travel options on land and in the air.
Still it's rather remarkable to consider millions of people want to make the effort to see family, friends and others at this rather dicey time of year to travel. The greater love wins out even over the personal and political hassles and 'DOOs, Differences of Opinion'.
Not agreeing with someone is legal and reasonable even if it hurts someone's feelings.

How much Improvement Do we need or want? Are there any choices left to make?

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 23:15 is an important talk, skim thru and consider the 'sci-fi' world that's basically coming down the pike...We need more grassroots think tanks, more faith and social consideration...and FB shares etc... Good luck and I'll try to summarize what I've heard so far. I add a few thoughts and hopefully that's clear but most of this is from the talk to encourage people to listen for themselves...

 Amazon is training many of its workers about Artificial Intelligence (AI). They have ghost stores that you check in (via facial recognition) and wireless computers watch you and

When a Protective Mom Was Arrested When Having A Seizure in PA and Other Concerns for All to Learn About

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 20:09

While we have more advocacy to help prevent drug use and abuse (often one leads to the other by the way...), the family custody court crimes and conflicts generally fall short of the radar. That said, more grassroots and non-profits are working hard to bring serious concerns to light. See more on CA Protective Parents Association site. 

These issues are a shared concern (see  the former US House Resolution 72 which set a national guideline to give victims, generally the moms, of abuse initial custody of children without needing to have proof of the abuse.

Every state would have to align

Jarrad Hewett's Insights for early December 2019 and Wishing All Well Setting Good Intentions With Appreciation for the Past (lessons and experiences)

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 15:29 is an inspiring way to start the month of December. I happened to open this at 10:20am on Monday, December 2nd, 2019. I'm inspired by the first few minutes so am sharing 'hot off the press.' Jarrad is on the healing team for our times I feel. I trust things are opening up for you in ways that allow for growth and healing, health and wealth on all levels, including good self-care and safe, balanced relationships and greater respect for all in one's community, state, country and wider circles...

As Edgar Cayce shares, 'As you sow, so shall you reap.' Check out his

The Wim Hof Method a Cool Idea (Check with your doc before trying please)

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 03:15

Among novel ideas I heard between rich meals this past week was to breathe cool air, walk outdoors in the cold, and take (get ready for this one mentally) cold showers to boost one's immune system and acclimate better to the cold. I heard of other versions of using cold from a few schools of thought in the past few years including taking 'hot and cold intervals of a couple of minutes in a shower' (ending with a cold rinse) which was a way to get ready for spring I think in the 5 element Chinese medicine protocol.

Mostly the idea was to scrub with a cloth the lymph glands under arms and
