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Robin Rice Reads 'Very Nice'ly on her site and live, See

on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 00:53

Lots of ways to network but an extra special way is to hear someone read a book. Yes, there's audible, but RobinsBooks is a free offering, live and with recordings (so you like I can catch up as we can...) Thanks to all doing there part and keeping others in their thoughts for healing and helping on many levels... Peace and light as spring arrives more fully.

Sundays through April 12, 2020 Zoom Meetings 2pm EST, Free

on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 15:05

Many programs are offering free access to talks which are helpful to consider 'All Things Corona" and also to  take one's mind and thoughts to 'another place, where Corona is a 'thing of the past', not the main deal in town and basically factored into a Much Bigger Picture of Our Human Story..."  I got to the first talk with Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer of the group. There was some music by another part of the RC team,Ron Koenig and that may be part of the format as well, with uplifting popular songs with ukelele. 

On another note, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

Just one more day to join a great ASK Charity Challenge...or see some videos that are up thru Sun, 3/29/20

on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 00:49

I'm excited to share one of the videos I have been watching and hoping more youth and parents, adults and elders can enjoy before they may not be online.... see There are four parts so skim thru with the PDF of each one if you don't have much time to get the jist of it..Basically the ideas are covered in his books too which have done quite well. Ryan Levesque is very entertaing and why not pick up some of his tips for delivering a message creatively, effectively and clearly with video wit lots of examples and well...

You'll see.

Having Good Horse Sense in Life: Cambry Kaylor, Amazing Person with Grit...Rode Once Again After Paralysis...and Got Married and Had Kiddos

on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 22:01 Cambry thought the horse she finally climbed on after rehabbing from a paralyzing condition so she could work again was laughing at her for climbing up a fence to get on her. Cambry also shared that in college in anatomy class she studied a cadaver...rather up close and personally due to a chair giving way, thankfully when wearing goggles. She shares a lot about her life...can she live on her own, does she miss doing gymnastics on horseback...what if you could go back and not have that life experience.

In a heartbeat the young former gymnast horseback rider

Many Efforts to Promote Peace through meditation, prayer, fasting, connection and more

on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 16:01
Among the many responses to 'What to Do about The #CO19GOWL! (Covid-19 Game on With Love!, my term) I have heard of online efforts with meditation for free with Deepak and Oprah (through the Chopra center..and now I am seeing how his last name echoes her first..kind of brings it full circle, the masculine and feminine energies, people who are caring and creative and of different ethnicities...representing healing bridges...)
So that is online for a 21 day meditation, relaxing and tuning in process. 
Sunday, March 29th, 2020 is a day of 'prayer and fasting' worldwide with some faith groups,
