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Just one more day to join a great ASK Charity Challenge...or see some videos that are up thru Sun, 3/29/20

on Sun, 03/29/2020 - 00:49

I'm excited to share one of the videos I have been watching and hoping more youth and parents, adults and elders can enjoy before they may not be online.... see There are four parts so skim thru with the PDF of each one if you don't have much time to get the jist of it..Basically the ideas are covered in his books too which have done quite well. Ryan Levesque is very entertaing and why not pick up some of his tips for delivering a message creatively, effectively and clearly with video wit lots of examples and well...

You'll see. The ASK Charity Challenge has raised 15K for the American Red Cross (and cost under $20 to take a comprehensive set of talks for 5 days..which I think you can still join and see replays, etc.) Your whole family would likely enjoy watching these talks to get inspired by how he organizes his life and includes his family in his business (and even the videos...)

Lucky you, I signed up so will give a few insights as is allowed...If you are so moved, give me a holler and we can talk more about working together since I hope to find ways to encourage others...and some of this is almost common sense. Some tips are 'not to be perfect but just be ready to learn and take small steps.'

Another is to trust that there are ways to make money from home (online) with flexibility and focus not only on earning but learning and being doing small steps to connect with effective markets and clients. He offers a lot of guidance which seems strange since he already has 23 businesses he's made a lot of money from.

He shares that he wants to help others do well so they too can succeed and make life more meaningful and generous in terms of helping others as they help themselves. Okay, so hope you can take time to Check This Out... Maybe see you on the Challenge...