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April Traditions of Remembrance, Renewal and Restoration On All Levels

on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 12:13
Corona can't cancel traditions whether religious and cultural ones from  over the centuries, nature keeping her cycles forever or people dreaming out loud about their place in humanity, the earth and stars.
 This time is acknowledged by the dawning of the Age of Aquarius with the planets lining up in special ways and the world tuning into the greater field of love, wisdom, care and capabilities to heal oneself and the earth, being reverent for all who have journeyed before us and enrich our lives on many levels, including those intuited more than seen.
 "What does all of this mean?"

Notes to Self...Check out Life Force Academy with Jai Dev and the FB page

on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 02:32

If you are like me, you are spending more time than usual looking on the internet.. Maybe not searching for things but Checking Out Cool Programs. I did a class with a few months back..and took the plunge to learn more for the I Have to do that..I peaked at the FB page and see people showing compassion for one another... and remembering some others in their 'daily meditations..' So lots of layers of caring and inspiration and actual assistance with managing stress and breathing.

Global Meditation for 4/4 and 4/5/20 Online Info, Also ReThinking Everything As A Humani-Team!

on Sun, 04/05/2020 - 13:58
The globalmeditation project is still unfolding around the world... and yet when one google's it there are concerns about electricity being turned off (as it will be in India for 9 hours) to assist with 5G implementation.
We would do well to learn more about the concerns some have about 5G affecting human's respiratory and other systems..since we are electromagnetic kinds of people...(See Blake Levitt's books on EMF and RF. Magnetite was identified as magnetic material in the human brain in the late 1990s,
Important info from many forums online and from many traditions around the

79+ People Listening to New Life Expo..I'll share some here but Sign Up for the other 5 days ($13 total/day)

on Sat, 04/04/2020 - 18:26

Hello Lovelies and Everybuddies,

I am listening live to the program of online talks, one after the other. I posted all of the schedules in prior posts, so google their names. They have websites and important information. with Kimberly Meredith shares that she has a new free book out called Coronavirus with 21 Top Tips.

Here is a summary of the FREE Booklet you can download to help as this time! Go to her site and then to 'Store' and it takes you to another site to download directly. She offers a free newsletter also. I just got it.

Curious About What's What With Personality Disorders and Mental Imbalance?

on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 13:00 Learning about personalities and behaviors may be more important now since people are living in close quarters...What are some patterns over one's lifetime? What is one's internal experience...and impression on others? Is it safe or reasonable to ask others or might some people have distorted views and other agendas to maintain and 'have clouded filters?'

Consider seeing The Enneagram (online info and The Wisdom of the Enneagram book.) Can empathy be taught? That's explored in the last 20 min of the talk with a few professionals. Is violent psychopathy treatable?
