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Helping Get the Word Out About CT Nursing Homes Housing COVID19 Non-Acute Patients

on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 20:48

Copy of Information Shared by CT Rep. Maria Horn on FB as follows:


Following on Wednesday’s announcement re the creation of COVID Recovery Facilities (CRFs) as part of the nursing home surge plan, this evening Governor Lamont signed an executive order implementing the nursing home surge plan. CRFs, including Sharon Health Care, will accept patients who can be discharged from acute care hospitals but are still im​pacted by COVID-19 infection.

There is also a statement from the Governor’s Office below.

"Perception Creates Reality" and other ideas on Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos

on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 01:20

 We are having quite the huddle online about a hundred of us...The original program is "love and light' not fear and lack. Funy there's a virus of fear here on earth when we really are love and light. The speaker Brad Kasey on the John Burgos' Beyond the Ordinary Show is really remarkable on April 15th, 2020.

I hope to hear the talk by Dr. Laurie Moore from 2/26/20 also. The speakers tonight say there is a benefit for receiving and giving. Choose everything rather than want or long for things or feel lack. The shift in perception to not be comparing and competitive.

There's a lot of

Journaling over five decades...especially lately. Good Medicine for CV-Laden Times.

on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 19:40
In addition to eating, sleeping and being busy during the day,
at times in my life, I had to journal. That means, write stuff down.
Questions about what's happening in the world as well as what
was happening in my personal life. Now the two are not only similar,
the questions about what to do in the world and in my own life,
everyone seems to have the same ones circling in their minds
privately at home, on calls on the phone or online in emails and
the media. It feels like we are 'circling the drain', on a downward
spiral of losing our rights out of necessity and not being certain
'the old times will

Asking Tough Questions Together and Seeking Solutions Out Loud

on Wed, 04/15/2020 - 19:02
The impact of the Corona Virus is affecting everyone on many levels, without much
support to explore one's feelings, ask questions and get clear answers.
 The dire prospect of people having little food or basic supplies (yes,
even the coveted toilet paper) are fleeting concerns yet likely could be
taken more seriously by every community. Distribution centers and
people doing deliveries have provided lifelines for food and PPE,
personal protection equipment.
 Thankfully some companies from Elon Musk to Dyson and others have pivoted
their businesses to manufacture respirators, according to Ryan

Everybuddy Can Benefit from Hearing the Free Talks on

on Mon, 04/13/2020 - 20:49

I have enjoyed using for 5-15 minutes a day for a few months, with a paid monthly subscription which I may not keep for much longer, and I had gotten a free trial for 45 days, so stay tuned in case they offer that again. With family, the fairly low cost may prove more valuable, especially in these days of social distancing.

Consider listening to 'a talk weekly then think of how it may be helpful in your life.'  Here are notes to one I am listening to...

One of the talks "Connected Success". "Social isolation is tremendously harmful for us as social animals and is way more
