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A Request for Healing and Peace from One Person to Another..Let's Find a Better Way toward Safety for All

on Sat, 05/30/2020 - 13:41

There are so many aspects of the modern situation in the wake of the passing of George Floyd under dire and difficult circumstances. Let's spell out everyone's concerns and understand the underpinnings of injustice. The roots run deep, and whether against certain groups African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women, youth or elderly...things have got to change in this modern social and online forum.

Much of what I explore and share from many parts of the country and over time could inform these times.

The Afterlife Conference Online, June 5th-7th.2020 and replays of prior years

on Sat, 05/30/2020 - 13:16

Between watching offers from about the wisdom, need and support to plan for end of ife issues such as making a choice of an healthcare representative (or another term for that such as proxy, advocate and so on) who makes healthcare decisions on your behalf as informed about your choices and according to the guidelines made in your advance directive, which a doctor should follow but may not have to do so legally and may not by mistake due to communication problems.

I also am training to work with the folks who will provide another level of clarification and will share more

Taking Moments of Silence at 7 before 7pm on Fri. May 29th, 2020... Yes in reverence for the pain and suffering of George Floyd and the Many Injustices of the Past. Let those be the last of such crimes, in public or homes, among groups, states, countries

on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 23:10

A list of everyone's mother, spouse or other important person to them (adult child etc) should be listed for people to know Who To Call to Talk Sense Into Someone...and that could include police and military folks..Like a healthcare proxy, when someone is acting unreasonably, mental health or similar kind of support should be sought. Referees of sorts should be in every community as well to provide 'accountability and clarity about what is being done.

Every episode could be on video with remote monitoring, likely a computer app or phone app could be made to signal when something is not going

Stand for Health Freedom Petition (see their site) and

on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 03:53




  • An alarming new federal bill has surfaced in the US House of Representatives with potentially devastating implications to your privacy rights and ability to choose how you care for yourself and your children.
  • H.R. 6666 is a federal bill that allocates $100 billion annually to deploy a massive force of surveillance workers to test, contact trace and enforce the quarantine of men, women and children in the United States who are thought to be infected — or potentially infected — with COVID-19.
  • According to the bill, those hired will conduct diagnostic testing and “related

Sharing for the Sake of Clarifying Info We've Likely Heard in Bits and Pieces; Shared without altering and with permission

on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 03:47

People in the United States shouldn't be walking around with masks.

- Dr. Anthony Fauci

There is no scientific evidence necessitating the wearing of a face mask for prevention.

- Russel Blaylock, MD

For the average member of the public walking down a street, it [wearing a mask] is not a good idea.

- Dr. Jenny Harries

During the era of COVID-19, we see more and more people wearing face masks. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) currently recommends that everyone wear a mask even if they appear healthy with no signs of disease.
