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Stand for Health Freedom Petition (see their site) and

on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 03:53




  • An alarming new federal bill has surfaced in the US House of Representatives with potentially devastating implications to your privacy rights and ability to choose how you care for yourself and your children.
  • H.R. 6666 is a federal bill that allocates $100 billion annually to deploy a massive force of surveillance workers to test, contact trace and enforce the quarantine of men, women and children in the United States who are thought to be infected — or potentially infected — with COVID-19.
  • According to the bill, those hired will conduct diagnostic testing and “related activities such as contact tracing through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”
  • The bill uses broad, open-ended language and fails to specify what “related activities” or “for other purposes” are; such ambiguity creates the opportunity for an abuse of power, particularly during times of crises.
  • The activities stemming from this legislation infringe on individuals’ ability to opt out of unwanted surveillance and potentially mandated medical interventions such as testing, treatment and vaccination. Deploying federal workers to individuals’ homes encroaches on their privacy and raises numerous questions.
  • Let’s show our lawmakers how many people oppose the use of taxpayer funds (a proposed $100 billion annual budget) for total citizen surveillance measures that violate health freedom rights. Please click to email your US senators and representatives NOW and urge them to vote no on H.R. 6666. It is dangerous legislation that could irrevocably suspend our civil liberties in the name of containing a virus that recent research suggests has an estimated 99.9% survival rate.