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Spencer Klavan and Andrew Klavan Shows Online... Check them out

on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 18:21

Once in while I check out Twitter and lately I've been retweeting all sorts of things. In the midst of doing That, I found someone that liked. I checked out who was following them (which I've never done or thought to do, maybe I did it by mistake meaning to just press 'follow' but landed on 'followers' thinking I'd add my name to the list.


I ended up following a bunch of folks I wouldn't normally seek out, including Donald Trump (the Pres, yes, that one..) So then I came across the name of Andrew Klavan and even though I thought I was already following him, I wasn't necessarily

Mapping out the Days, Years, and Meanings...for US All regarding Kaelan's Final Day and Journey (and considering the tie to Michael Jackson's life and passing..)

on Tue, 06/23/2020 - 13:32

Appreciating the life and legacy of Jamie McEwan who Kaelan got to know through boating as did many of course. Kaelan's Dad David boated along with Jamie and locals who were called the HACKS, Housatonic Area Canoe and Kayak Squad...I'm sure Kaelan was counted a member and his passing moved the boating community (with reflections in the Hartford Courant about his passing as Dave's son in the river they both loved...)

 This is the day 11 years ago that Kaelan's body took a final run...from the Falls to the Covered Bridge.

Being Still and Taking Time to Reflect This Week, June 23rd and 25th, I'll share why for me...

on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 22:55

Hello and How is everybuddy doing this first part of summer 2020? I know it's tough times on many fronts, yet I am hopeful and trusting that we are 'breaking through' to a better era. Many alternative thinkers and healers that I share on this blog say as much..It's a Cosmic Time, much bigger than we can comprehend..and involves the position and pathways of the planets, incoming energies from don't ask me where..but all to upgrade our DNA (yes our internal codes.

A Dream on Mon. June 22nd, 2020

on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 13:53

Before I woke up this morning I had a dream I was at a circus venue at a large hotel. I was trying to say hello to some people in the main areas. A few were friendly but others would not engage in small talk. Then I wanted something to drink but couldn't get a dispenser to work. The hotel staff would set up the cup but could not pour it for me. I went down a winding ramp from an upper floor that led to the back of the hotel yard.

Looking at this time of late June from over the past 5-6 years..

on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 17:18

 From 5 years ago on FB: Had a good post about remembering Michael Jackson and his passing a week after Kaelan. A note I've shared before is that Kaelan told psychic Patti Sinclair that "Michael Jackson was coming over soon'...which Patti told me a few months later during a special time with other moms she gave messages to also about their own children who'd headed to heaven as well.. not an easy thing to have in common but makes it real.

The way I found out about the gathering seemed one special note and good connection after another with my request for a partial visit and reduced fee
