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Check Out Filing with the to Secure Federal Funds for your area. Every Address Needs to be Accounted for...and every person!

on Mon, 07/06/2020 - 04:15

 Would You be willing to print and post the attached Census flyers and display them on your Social media sites? (I'm working on this part...but read the outreach note I got from a friend...)

 At this time, there are areas of Litchfield County that need a little "reminder" to reply to the 2020 Census.

Your support in helping get the message out to the community is very important.

A complete population count in Salisbury CT and surrounding towns will  help Salisbury and surrounding towns/ villages receive a fair share of Federal funding for schools, healthcare, police, fire and other social

Watching the Archived Boston Pops Fireworks (by chance, but nice end to the day..)

on Sun, 07/05/2020 - 03:08

Hopefully more people were prepared to enjoy the spectacular display of fireworks and talks as An American Salute to Heroes and Attention to important matters including #BlackLivesMatter. I also saw some of the Philadelphia "Let Freedom Ring" talk (and the new license plate) with that. I am wrapping up the night seeing some folks on Twin Lakes beach in Santa Cruz CA who were playing music and being bold with their goal to gather and have a fire....All part of the American Dream and "Mass Awakening to Human Consciousness" message shared by many. Let's keep the story going...

Happy 4th of July 2020!When cancelling or postponing big events, consider Zooming or smaller groups gathering outdoors or making calls over time

on Sat, 07/04/2020 - 19:18
Great idea... we did one for our Vassar one (and will actually try to have our 35th next year in its place.) That said if you folks want to plan something over that way near the campus (it's first weekend in June) there are usually fireworks so plenty of time to plan a way to take those in...find friends to camp out in their yards etc...
That's Just for this 10 yr reunion group...and maybe those from the early 1980s (just kidding, it's great idea to find a way to celebrate along with any event that may actually be held that has a big shebang or other special public aspects like concerts

Looking to Prevent Drownings, Accidents, Neglect and Promote Supervision of Minors and Kids

on Fri, 07/03/2020 - 03:14


 To the Editor:
Any unnatural loss of life or serious injury in modern America is generally investigated. Even if not a crime or neglect case, advocacy can follow to prevent someone going missing, danger, abuse or death.
Many grieved with us over the drowning on June 16th of 2009 of our late teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton near the Falls of the Housatonic River. Yet few realize the importance of having an investigation into such a turn of events even though there were all minors involved. 
 Even eleven years later in 2020, I would welcome input from anyone as to who was there, which

Fielding Graduate University Zoom program: Racism &COVID19 Wed. 7/1/20

on Thu, 07/02/2020 - 00:44

I am about to listen to a timely topic which is run through Fieldnotes to address timely topics around the world. The President of Fielding Katrina Rogers. It's amazing to learn more about the programs they offer in the social sciences with a focus on scholar-practitioners, flexible programming and more.  These are direct notes I am taking from the program...

The topic being addressed which has impacted people of color disproportionately includes a panel of professors and alums of Fielding University. Dr.
