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Difficult Headlines with Violence and Loss, Connecticut Protective Moms Help Prevent and Alert Folks Near and Far!

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 13:07
To the Editor:
As we reverently recount the loss of lives a decade ago at Sandy Hook, we are facing a terrible problem protecting victims even when victims or their families clearly seek legal help. Tragically that includes the loss of 11- month -old Camilla Francisquini on Nov. 25th and a mother of a 3-year-old son, Julie Minogue, age 40, on Dec.7th, 2022, even since the passing of Jennifers' Law in CT to protect victims with their children in custody cases.
The recent loss of Athena Strand, age 7, near her home to a stranger strikes valid fear, yet many families are in crisis and

Whose Driving The BUS for US-All? We Are so Let's Open Our Eyes, Hearts and Minds and sense of Team!

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:47


To The Editor (published in The Lakeville Journal of CT in Jan. '23)
With the New Year of 2023 off to a warm weather start, more people can enjoy a 'mini-vacation' and remember that 'spring and time to plan for gardens and outdoor events, walks and fundraisers' is just around the corner. I have enjoyed thinking of ways more people could feel connected to the seasons and months of the year in wider circles.
 For instance dividing the 50 states of American by twelve and placing them on a calendar grid of four across and three deep, we can recognize and learn more about the states if

The Gifts Of One Another...Giving and Receiving Key for the One and the Many

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:44

To The Editor: (This was in the 12/15/22 issue of The Lakeville Journal of CT)

The ongoing festive events to celebrate family, community and care around the world with gatherings and gifts is something we can carry into the coming years. The gift of every life as evolving into wiser, more caring beings is shared by many traditions and more help online and hopefully in our communities.
The digital divide is closing in ways due to cell phone coverage.

Pulling Together For Success (Letter to the Editor, Lakeville Journal of CT, April '23)

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:39
To the Editor:
Matthew Desmond, author of Poverty by America, asserts in an Apple Podcast that the systems to provide help to elderly or low-income family are poorly designed and not readily supported or easy to use for many who need that help.
 About 1 in 5 people do not get one or more kinds of help who qualify for aid and funds (TANF--Temporary Aid to Needy Families) from the government for food, monetary support, insurance, tax credits, disability and more.

 Some people need practical support to access programs, fill out paperwork or forms on a laptop or even on an iPhone or

Gardens Of Possibilities (and Time to Dig Into Those as we're on the clock...)

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:35
With spring and today's world supporting movement and growth on many levels, the time to explore possibilities to address 'needs and wants' as well as pressures and problems in creative ways is upon us. One example is a news story about the Yellowstone series which has run  at an exorbitant yet profitable cost.  The director/writer owns a ranch with Paramount which pays to use it for a set as well.
 A quick scan of Apple news and a listen on Clubhouse on an iPhone also revealed that the need to raise the debt limit so America can still pay bills.
