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Once Upon A Time A Youth Was Invited to Go To Camp....or One Going Was Partly Sponsored by Surprise!

on Thu, 05/18/2023 - 00:32
Once upon a time there was a person trying to create community and find a family that wanted their child to go to camp… and their child who wanted & could handle doing that in The Berkshires in late June or a July 2023 for 2 consecutive weeks 9am to 3 pm with a farm, crafts, riverside theme with nice kids and counselors..
After six months of many almost matches ( and details that needed
ironing out which took about 20 hours and much patience on everyone’s part) many people have said to ‘give up on getting others to join in the effort of helping afford the cost through barters or donations…)

Getting More Online Networking Going About Sending Kids to Camp and Planning Their Lives for Shared Success (Families and communities growing together!)

on Sun, 05/14/2023 - 16:22

First things first....That means many things to different people. I want to ask for 'prayers and healing' and encourage everyone to picture themselves and all in their families and circles as well and feeling good about their path, meeting friends to help do things and stay strong. Then the burdens and 'dis-ease' can slip away and energetically we are all filled with light and goodness.

Thanks for sharing in this moment and 'allowing the flow and connection with all that is nurturing to flow in you and your networks...for a few moments, minutes, as you enjoy time outdoors and look up to see

Greetings to All on Mother's Day (and My 60th Birthday!) I'm going like 60 now!

on Sun, 05/14/2023 - 15:02

A 'Big fish/Little fish mural in NYC) popped up on my FB memory so I shared that and this post with my friends... and brings lots to mind for about for you? It's my 60th Birthday today, May 14th, 2023--and for fun especially on this Mother's Day let me share my birthday with you and remember the gift of life we've each been given...and hope our mother's (and fathers and caregivers) are at peace with how that came about and the effort given by many to help raise (or rear) each and everyone of us.

A couple of stories about my beginning days as part of a large family are some of the first

Maternity/ Abortion Concerns from Aug 2022, Debated But Key for All to Learn About

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 13:44
There was a report in The Lakeville Journal from Nuvance which runs Sharon Hospital giving the impression that the maternity ward was definitely closing. There is much more online now about what has happened in terms of many advocating for it to stay open and also keep ICU and other key services.
 Some fear this was  'the beginning of the end' of the medical services provided if there is not a way to maintain a strong foothold on the legacy and terms of Sharon Hospital as shared over the years...promises that changed from one for-profit to the next even as upgrades were made in some

Reflecting on Tragic Turns of Events and How to Prevent Those As a Community Team

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 13:35
To the Editor (July 2017, so ten years after the disappearance of Tom Drew of Salisbury CT on July 21, 2007)
 Many people were moved I'm sure when seeing a photograph in the classifieds recently of Tom Drew, the 91-year-old Salisbury resident, which was on flyers far and wide over the past ten years with the ever-urgent question, "Have You Seen This Man?"
 Even children know the story as well they should.
