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"You are more than you know... as Star Seeds and Multi-Dimensional Beings..." Appreciating some Videos on Raising Consciousness on Youtube that popped up

on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 01:42

 This is a summary from some of what I heard on Strange But True Stories on youtube....Let's explore together. Much resonates...

Star seeds---" Someone whose soul has a strong connection to another dimension "...This fellow is saying we are immortal human beings having a small mortal experiences...and have been around a while (and maybe a few times...) and that we are all multi-dimensional... It's getting late but I will listen some more.

He's talking about a call that was put out in the time of the 1900s when the nuclear power was explored and used.

Whose Up for a Sunrise Walk on the Beach With a Winged One Walking?

on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 01:02

Here's to a friend sharing her friend's talent from you fine viewers... Enjoy your walk on the wild side... This may be my shortest post, but not the least by a long shot. Happy strolling through your days and life with good company and inspiration!

Update on Sharon CT Hospital from (Marshall Miles).

on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 00:23

Helpful update of Sharon Hospital in CT on the NY line (and about a half hour from the MA border as well) to skim through... some highlights include Sharon Hospital will be in network with some other hospitals in the Hudson Valley NY Area, the number of maternity needs are fairly low, about 3-4 times less than a few years ago, but will be met still by skilled people (nice to know on both accounts...)

And that the drug overdoses are not as common showing up in ERs and with ambulance calls. Possibly that is due to the availability and use of narcan.

See You at The Left Forum at Long Island Univ., LIU, in Brooklyn NY June 28-30th

on Sat, 06/01/2019 - 02:44

What are the odds I'd meet one of the organizers of The Left Forum while I was out and about (okay at one of my favorite spots, The Brooklyn Commons on Atlantic Avenue) in Brooklyn?  I am looking forward to going to one and learning All About It, best I can in one weekend. I hear they can use volunteers, so hope you can do some homework and locate that opportunity. See their FB page and learn more as I did today and hopefully will tune into again soo

Very dedicated caring folks with important panels tune in while the tuning's possible!

Enjoyed A Free Program in NYC with Carolin Soldo, Very Encouraging Stuff! Lucky You She'll Be Back with a Full Program In October (and a day in June) 2019!

on Fri, 05/31/2019 - 16:05

It's one thing to see a video of someone whose 'made it to the top' online. There are seemingly dozens of those offers on Facebook or an email offer. I'm not sure how I got connected with some offers from Carolin Soldo in terms of watching what her coaching programs offer. I know eventually I had a free consult call.

Those are great to help one 'show up and figure out where one is on life's road map.' There are external and internal dimensions to one's life. Dreaming and taking note of what one has achieved are important parts of ones resources, of where one has been and where one is going.
