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As swimming comes to minds or even hanging out in nice weather... or even indoors..."Keep Kids and Minors Supervised' and Stay Safe whatever age you are, please! Thx!

on Sun, 06/14/2020 - 16:29

Trusting everyone will watch their kids closely...all minors and that those over 18 would realize the importance of having reasonable ways to enjoy water in the area (when it's safe and not pushing the limits and community guidelines...which should be posted and followed in each town.)

Be in touch if you want to advocate for more great ideas to keep everybuddy safe and in the game of life whether living, driving, swimming, diving, learning, loving, leaving, meeting, dating, marrying, having kids, living together, going to court or courting, needing protective orders (or a restraining order)

Tuning into New Life Expo, Live on FB Sun. June 14th, 2020... Treat Yo'sElf!

on Sun, 06/14/2020 - 16:14

Nice to see you folks starting the noon hour off in a positive way..Sounds great already.. Synarchy Awakening...'Changing the consciounsness of the planet...and healing people on many levels starting with individuals and influencing others and much more...'

"As higher light beings, more people are awakening and tuning into healing on many levels what can ripple out and create an easier shift for more of humanity and the planet... There are neurobiologic shifts... to help us arrive in the Golden Age..' There are practical programs to help people address family and social relationships and

Sharing The Re-Opening Notice from Public Library in Falls Village CT, includes more virtual story hours for kids too!

on Sat, 06/13/2020 - 15:40

See more on

The David M. Hunt Memorial Library E-newsletter can keep one posted on many events and offerings.

(FYI Falls Village is also knowns at Town of Canaan but is not North Canaan which is calle Canaan by the locals. The zip code is 06031. Ph. 860-824-7424.)


Greetings Everyone,
We have good news!!!

With the recent notice from the state of Connecticut DECD (Department of Economic and Community Development), we have come to Phase 2 of the REOPEN CONNECTICUT plan. Libraries are able to open as of June 17th. We've been getting ready and have chosen June 23rd, 2020 as

Quote from Sherrily Ifill, head of the NAACP Legal Defense Team, Speaks Out Comprehensively on 60 Minutes

on Sat, 06/13/2020 - 02:01


Bill Whitaker: After all you have witnessed about race relations in the United States, what gives you hope?
Sherrilyn Ifill: Well, I don't know of anything in the history of black people in this country, in which I've read some account in which it ended with, "And then they gave up." That's just not what we do. I know that we work for the future of our children, and our grandchildren, and their children. That's our obligation."--excerpt from the 60 Minutes program June 7, 2020 interview with Bill Whitaker.

Sherrily Ifill insists that the President and leadership in the United States needs

Paypal Donating $530 Million to Black Communities, Hooray!

on Fri, 06/12/2020 - 19:49

When I was checking my link I found this great announcement. Things really may be taking off in a positive direction with the idea of people Stepping Up and Saying What Is Desired (in sync with the greater good not greed.)

I will get back to what I was looking into and realize that some purchases under 100 dollars are not eligible for the 6 months of interest free credit, oops! Best not to use that Paypal Credit for small purchases or donations.

Well hopefully some of the interest I paid (less than a hundred but still much more than I expected...) will go to the good causes.
