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Finding Time to Learn Basic First Aid, CPR and Care for Elderly and kids etc...FB notes shared here

on Wed, 03/15/2023 - 00:11

We used to learn some basics in middle school...and about a decade later I was able to save someone 'on the spot' who'd eaten too much (at once of anything really) stringy roast beef...

.It helps to review every few years and really 'the more often the better..." especially for youth, elders or others who may have trouble chewing (and may have food get trapped or pocketed between the teeth and cheeks) and be aware some people cannot drink water but need a thickened liquid or juice.

Preventing a lot of basic problems is a lot easier than having to address concerns people aren't aware of.

There are more caring people helping others plan for 'end of life issues' and options, but they are not all equal...and only scratch the surface of what many need to consider

on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 00:43

The Five Wishes is a helpful document many organizations and people promote as an icebreaker and way to help people 'plan for a healthcare agent and give guidance about what kind of treatment they would want if they came to needing more help near the end of life.' That's a good start yet I have trained with the folks who do MIDEO and they encourage people to review their offer to be as specific with the correct medical terms as possible to 'avoid confusion' and to be clear with one's healthcare agent. See for more information.

It would seem there could be a national (if not

600K Homeless in the US on average. About 2900 in CT..Notes from a talk 3/9/23

on Thu, 03/09/2023 - 18:03

Here are some notes I am takoing while listening to a virtual program about CT homelessness.

Family and Children's Agency (FCA) of Fairfield County CT hosting a virtual forum to inform people about homelessness. They take a PIT (Point In Time) measure in one day to get a snap shot of what is happening for homelessness and those who are housed. In CT, 2900 hundred people were homeless, and just under 650 in Fairfield County were homeless (that's from the 2023.)

The US Congress uses that PIT to base funding and programs on.

Grateful to Be Back Up and Running! Had some Tech issues and then some!

on Wed, 03/08/2023 - 21:33

March 8th, 2023, Thinking of Everyone who was born to a mother (or may be coming along...) on this International Women's Day! Still need to get more tech help but be back soon!gor

Okay so lots to catch up on. I did read from a friend that Florida just banned abortion after six weeks...I have written other posts on this difficult and delicate topic, but have come to understand that a woman's life is on the line more than most realize...with any pregnancy (and some known but plenty of not well-known problems that can come up.

Allowing for More Support and Success...Sharing Some "Out There" yet simple ideas and support

on Fri, 01/13/2023 - 18:38

Everyone wants to dream of an easier happier life, usually that means having more support whether as team players or coaches, funds and more... See what can help from this affiliate link I have from a friend David Adelson whose been 'cooking up a number of ways to help people help themselves..being open to receiving and more..."...

Thanks for being in touch with me, Catherine Palmer Paton, on my public FB pages to network on this or other posts and join in more of the positive ways to encourage each other to pursue growth and grace....See more
