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Prioritizing Children's Safety with their Protective Parent (usually their Mom

On NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt (on Wed. March 16th) and Info here on Kayden's Law

on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 23:17

Hello to All in the Arena of Parenting and Caring about the safety of children"

Let's make it common knowledge in rural America as well as the cities that  
Angels Are On the Side of Safety... Angelina Jolie is speaking up about angel Kayden who died as a child but is looming large in the laws now, making her lovely Mom Kathy Sherlock proud I'm sure of the love that never dies and her spirit that was always bigger than life. Hugs to Kathy and to all of Kayden's wonderful family and friends who have helped America take a giant step forward for safety for all children.