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Kaelan's Song by Catherine Palmer Paton. Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton

Remembering Kaelan A. Palmer Paton...Thinking KAPP, Staying Strong With His Song

on Thu, 06/11/2020 - 03:11
With more concerns to face as a community, let's remember all we've pulled through with courage and care. Many thanks to the steadfast hard work of those in the rescue teams, firefighters and earnest police as well.
There is a lot more to what transpired when Kaelan passed (and I wrote over the years online, Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton....)
More people are seeing the connections between systemic and even local shortcomings or 'breaks in the systems' as well as the need for more voluntary networking and support for people to have the basics and to be accountable.