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even trying to Improve things while improvising or planning for a sketchy future and sketchier elections

Double Check the Terms of FB and I'll put one part of them here.. Read before you voice your 'honest opinion' if anyway deemed troubling or creating an unsafe setting for yourself or others, in particular or in general...

on Wed, 05/27/2020 - 22:58
Just came across the Comment Below info from FB Rules and Terms... and feel it's worth sharing since 'rules are rules' whether we know them or not... pertaining even to coveted free speech... I quote from part of the FB guidelines and terms:
"Combat harmful conduct and protect and support our community:
People will only build community on Facebook if they feel safe.
We employ dedicated teams around the world and develop advanced technical systems to detect misuse of our Products, harmful conduct towards others, and situations where we may be able to help support or protect our community.