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April 2020 COVID19 Supportive Groups and Programs for Healing on All Levels with Tammy Adams, Special online programs (some for free) and on Instagram

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 19:08

 Hi Folks, Just got to have a lovely meeting online...and now will hear Jenn August..and then later today, Tammy Adams who I met at the New Life Expo. She has great offerings as does Jenn (both August and McLean.)


With so much available online now that was only a pipedream 40 years ago (a friend mentioned as part of a think tank back in the day..) we have almost no excuse not to 'evolve with love' or at least wisdom or skills (which we hopefully will find ways to benefit our wider circles staring 'at home' with family, friends and neighbors since that's maybe a big