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Thinking Baby Thoughts and Taking Baby Steps to Enlightenment and Tuning into one's heart

Lightening Up with Baby Talk...and Heart Talk too (see Gregg Braden's free four-part series, June/July 2019)

on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 03:43
Hello All and then some... Hope this finds you well (and mostly heading to sleep zones before midnight.)
 Many wonderful singers and musicians are currently at Old Songs in Altamont NY (worth looking up what's going on there on youtube etc or online...good heart energies I'd say and likely a few tributes to our late Caroline and Sandy Paton and family, here and above ( including our late teen son Kaelan...and Lee Haggerty, the other founder of Folk-Legacy.)
Good rockin' the babes songs too (and I do promote the idea of rocking in a stepping pattern to make it a win-win for the knees