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Safety in the Streets of Brooklyn and America

What's Backing up in BrooklYN, NY? That would be traffic, big trucks and plans to remedy lack of traffic control responses even from 911, 311, police reports!

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 17:38

May 24th, 2019 found me going to a simple medical appointment at mid-morning that I almost slept through but didn't. Here's a summary from a lower part of the his post to cover the highlights of the BrooklYN deal (are you noticing the way that happens to be the state abbreviation in reverse as the end of Brooklyn? Yes, me too. Time to make a plan for NY and the rest of America regarding road and travel safety (including sidewalks, subways, buses, trains and of course roads whether in a country or city downtown area, neighborhood or highway.