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Pets and Planet Heart (Earth) and More

Being Kind to Kids, Pets, People of All Walks of Life Always in Style: Inspiring Songs too from Neda Boin (who I heard last night at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA)

on Fri, 05/10/2019 - 22:11

Here's a post I wrote on the Northwest Corner Chatter page (which is now a public forum still related to things in the NWCT area which is rural and part of the Housatonic River Community. ) We could call it the "Housatonice" or Who's A Ton Nice? area... Volunteers and families of many sizes and configurations keep the small communities going even with housing and cost of living prices going up, up and ...up some more as is the case in many areas (Brooklyn NY comes to mind as more urban areas and overall our US of All.)

So an old-fashioned poster promoting doing a kind act toward animals