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July Joy

A Rush of Nice Ideas to Spruce Up the Middle of July (this year and many therafter)..and Please, let's go easy on SCOTUS who'd deprive people of basic rights

on Tue, 07/10/2018 - 20:13

Should I start with the serious topic of the Supreme Court Justice nominee.."Coach K" or work toward encouraging people to enjoy July with the freedoms we have left (but can't tell you how long that will be for...) Okay, since the SCOTUS was the last part ot the title, I will let the 'last be first' in this post and raise concerns many are emailing me about (from Human Rights Campaign) to other FB posts that say Nominee Kavanaugh would roll back progress made for the LGBTQ causes, Roe Vs Wade (which allows for abortion, but also for much more outreach to women to Prevent Pregnancies and Have