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Confirm Your FB Friends feed into your home page (and appts why not be getting all the benefits we can from shared wisdom)

For My To-Do List (and Yours): Get Your Friends to Comment to Keep Them in Your Newsfeed

on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 16:11

A couple of nice folks have shared the following on FB on their page and suggest we do the same to keep our friends in our loop.That's the scoop! Do it now or put it on your To-Do List (okay Make a To Do List and Then put it on. A calendar works just fine by the way!) An added bonus, always double check appts and places since some medical or other offices cancel and leave a message you may not get.

Some have more than one location or various hours. I have often found I will have two or more changes to any appt I make here in Brooklyn NY.