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Turtle Garden

Before TANSH (Tragedy at Newtown Sandy Hook) in 2012 and after Our Teen Son's Tragic Heroic Passing in 2009

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 00:19
To Whom It May Concern (initially more personalized) but a page from the early Dec 2009, three years before Sandy Hook loss in Ct.
 I am sending this link to programs at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA along as I was looking for the story I wrote called 'Angel Family Snowflake'. I feel that story  sums up any family that kindly forms over the years, even if there are changes where family members are not together in the same ways they were, whether moving, schooling, or even in our case having one go back to the heavens..
The energy and love is still there and part of our