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November 1st, 2017...the Start of the Rest of 2017 through December 31st, 2017..What Will It Hold For US-All? NYC Marathon to Run Still After Serious 'Hit' and Loss of 6 Lives in NYC by Lone 'Player'

on Thu, 11/02/2017 - 01:01

When I was at an appointment waiting for two hours to be seen (unexpectedly but reasonably once they explain they overbook and take all who show up but often have many cancellations), I was listening to an hour of coverage about the sudden loss of six adults (and the serious injury of another eleven people) by a rogue 'possibly terrorist-minded' 28-year-old man in a rented Home Depot truck. At this time of day, I am listening to inspiring ideas on but I got talking with another woman about my age regarding the tragic loss of life.

She commented, "There's just too much