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From information...Yes, this may shed a less than encouraging light on 5 G, but worth researching Now rather than 'Too later'

on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 22:06

CLICK HERE for more info or

The Internet of Things is upon us. Fifth-generation wireless (5G), which will soon blanket the planet, enabling “smart” homes, “smart” cities, and self-driving cars. Yet, its social justice implications are staggering. International appealfrom 207 nations: “5G threatens permanent damage to all of Earth’s living systems”  

“The evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is overwhelming,” according to an appeal to the UN by over 175,000 signatories, including hundreds of scientists.

Many articles on to review about 9-11 and Much More

on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 14:59 is a way to donate one time to Caitlin Johnstone who wrote a riveting piece about Bill Cosby's violation of others as an analogy for how our country violates the sovereignity of other nations. We don't want to be duped endlessly and she spells our some tough truths..with theories worth considering.( I do hope to set up a patreon account soon or one of these paypals since that's been my hope for eons and I've had the info...just something not falling into Deciding to Do It and Get Help Following Through!)

Also see the ideas online on other

Reverencing the Lives Lost in the 9-11-01 tragic events..but wanting the truth for US All

on Tue, 09/11/2018 - 21:31

With all due respect to all who lost loved ones and friends in the Sept 11th, 2001 tragedy, I share the following as well...
Many people have dedicated a lot of effort to doing research on the physical evidence of the Ground Zero site.

There are important theories that merit consideration, especially given the science of 'what makes steel melt into a river below' and the kinds of material form that cannot be produced by jet fuel or basic materials burning.

Thanks to All Taking Master Gardeners (and Composting) Classes and Otherwise Sharing the Wisdom!

on Sat, 06/30/2018 - 20:56

As we ready for 4th of July celebrations, a new way to appreciate that

"This land is your land, and this land is my land.

from California to the New York Islands..." is to indulge in

composting (indoors or out) and

sharing the knowledge as well as benefitting from the 'outputs'

of such a system which can be created

on small or much larger scales, for individuals, groups or commercial uses.

For starters let me share the websites

that I learned of at a free workshop sponsored by The Sharon Conservation Committee

About a dozen people

Listening in to No Lies Radio June 8-10th, 2018 Online Conference

on Fri, 06/08/2018 - 20:13

With many views on the internet, youtube and other free sites, it's not as easy to spend money to listen to the latest views. Maybe some bloggers and even mainstream media will cover the latest Theories and Ideas that may be important for more of us to know about in a meaningful ways. Well, this weekend consider the offerings on For starters you may want to look up Lawyers Council for 9/11 at www.LCfor9/

 I hope to catch a few (and listen for the ten days of archived talks from the weekend.) I have tried to listen to the talks before and ended up being charged the
