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Healing Modalities

Joining in a Live Free Call With Kenji Kumara and Guest Grace G.Hom (replays available!)

on Tue, 04/13/2021 - 00:12

Who loves Kenji Kumara? My guess is the fifty or more joining are all excited to see him and hear what's in store for us. Dialogues with Remarkable Souls is a series of five talks (and this is the 4th one.) I'll fill you in a bit more as I learn but she's a light language activator. She incorporates science, spirituality and more to activate intuitive gifts and light language abilities in others. She has been a mentor to many and is internationally known for many healing effects, working with one's divine blueprint to balance energies and release pain and what is not needed.

Lots of info on New Life Expo from

on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 17:45

Soul Code Discovery Through Your Name book sounds very cool...on
From Me to All Panelists:  01:41 PM
Ex.Ffor the name MARK in Hebrew letters total a Life path of 7...and means able to connect with people. "Mar" means bitter yet turned around to Ram means uplifted. If you want to experience what's uplifting then one needs to 'chew on the bitter or feel one's feelings fully'. K means 'act as if" Kabbalistic teachings is may mean Monkey...and acting as if... Leaning into the future of already claiming things even if it hasn't manifested yet.

There'd be breathwork related to

Reconnective Healing Global Webinar by Eric Pearl and Others --worth learning about

on Sat, 12/09/2017 - 18:44

 What would it take to do an international outreach to empower people in practical ways to meet and consider aspects of healing and a unique 'hands-off' (not touching a person) directly but working near them or doing a distance process? Some may think it would have be to organized by a worldwide organization, either for-profit or a not-for-profit. To train with the organizers in person over the last twenty years for a weekend or more might have cost a few thousand dollars...

Yet Eric Pearl and his teaching team and collaborators have engaged upwards of 100K people from many countries for

How a five minute segment of The Truth About Cancer can spur Five Blog Posts, including who wants to hear highlights

on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 15:33

When learning about the Pet Care to prevent cancer or treat cancer in a trailer from the Truth About Cancer Series by Ty Bollinger and others who have spent years interviewing experts and sharing the information of the processes of cancer, different treatment theories and strategies and ways of measuring and reporting results, my mind was open to hearing more.

Not everyone would be interested even though the information and route of inquiry is one of importance for everyone at this time.

Mental Health "Quick Fixes" or Real Solutions, Options and More (From Conflict to Crisis to Who Knows What?!)

on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 02:55

 When tuning into the text of Brown University's Presidential speech to the 2017 Graduates in May 2017, I learned that a Brown Grad from the 1980s pursued political ambitions and focused on addressing the opiod problem (in her state and maybe the country...time to get back to that site after I post this entry.) That reminded me that drugs and mental illness are 'equal opportunity destroyers'. When I ushered movies shown at college in the 1980s, I recall one "The Harder They Fall". The theme song was "The higher they climb, the harder they fall, one and all..."

When someone pursues ambitious