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Tom Drew case

CT Drivers Licenses (and likely many other states') Need to be Renewed or Pay Penalty, "Happy Birthday' (generally it will be on a birthday, and can be done for 2 or 6 years in CT for instance)

on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 17:42

Guess whose due to renew their driver's license/ That'd be me Before my birthday this year, according to the notice I received, Very important to Check the Mail and maybe even keep track of such dates which come around erratically. Easier said than done for some, maybe there's an app made or in the making for That.

Some folks are more computer and organizatonal savvy than others, so another good reason to have a buddy or team of support who assists each member with basic details when it comes to paperwork, health insurance, car insurance or other important timely payments such as car