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Broken Systems

Hello to All on Love What Matters FB page and on FB and the World in General.. Hope You and I can see With New Eyes and Hearts for Healing As Needed and In Time To HELP US-ALL!

on Thu, 02/23/2017 - 15:24
Reardiing a post on FB about Love What Matters, there was a story about special glasses that can help a person who is color blind see. They had a video of a teen seeing colorful balloons on a table and being moved maybe to tears about being able to distinguish reds and greens and other colors. Other parents and people chimed in with their ideas..and it is a great thing. Then I put a few comments on the page as follows... 
And there are types of 'feeling blindness' and thinking blindspots, relationship skills blindspots...if only we could get the glasses to help clear up those kinds of