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Walk Down Memory Lane of Loved Ones Passing

Listening to Irish Music a friend whose wheelchair bound sent me. and Reflecting on the Greater Love post from Patti Sinclair on FB who says 'it's okay to share those times of remembrance of loved ones on the other side"

on Mon, 12/26/2016 - 03:04
I took a walk down 'memory lane' today after many church services..and Christmas became a bit more personal... thanks for being part of the healing journey after Kaelan's passing which is a clarion call to love one another much as Christ loved us... going the distance and not looking back...just 'loving it forward'.
I made some videos of the quiet places in North Canaan, and recounted how I was at churches as a youth and kept friendship strong through the years, then how Kaelan passed in Falls Village and took some footage of the South Canaan meeting house which I went to before learning