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Difficult Divorce

In this modern day of internet, phone and practical HELP such as on for basic needs, crisis (even Suicide Hotlines and those for Runaways) where's the one for 'Divorcicide, or Committing a Divorce Against an Innocent Party? or even Abusing someone

on Tue, 09/13/2016 - 15:05

Okay, so that is a long title about THINGS THAT ARE MISSING AND NOT AVAILABLE to anyone in a practical manner. The United States and many other countries as well as many relgious and spiritual groups are SET UP for people to FOLLOW LAWS (even if they are not taught what those are). They are not taught WHAT IS NOT AVAILABLE, so I thought I'd mention some biggies. WHAT IF someone wanted a Divorce And Thought to See if they were doing so for a Good Reason?

Maybe they aren't married or even living together and want to break up with someone, who could they call? Do they NEED a reason to break up?