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telling someone about a crime or problem when they don't want to know but need to

Kudos to NY Assembly Member Markey (D-Queens) and advocates for Victims of Sexual Abuse..Also How to Share Bad News from the Past, Maybe if It's Safe and You have a TEAM Do It..

on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 17:50

The headline of the NY Daily caught my eye late the other night with a photo of a young boy (who is now 39, named Michael DeSantis, not too far from St. Michael whose sincere believers usually pray to for protection and find inspiration in) with the caption, "OH, YOU WERE RAPED? TOO BAD!" A question that more people could consider in our world is "IF we were violated in any way, do we have a way to know and should we..or might we start healing on all levels to keep that possibility open.

We could realize the people who should have tried to protect us or really help us learn about