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difficult people and difficult conversations

Breathing Calmly & Saying"Whatever You Say" can be helpful or even a simple "Okay" when someone is upset, giving advice or correction, or insisting you listen or agree with them...(not that you are Saying you agree just not disagreeing, see the diff?)

on Sun, 10/11/2015 - 18:51

How many times in a day or a week do you have someone drop somedirection or insist you listen to them (likely they are using a tone of voice that is annoyed, firm, loud, quick) and you are

Expected to Agree or at least LISTEN with full and quiet attention..and AGREE with them (him, her or a few folks even).

If you say hardly ever, you may be brushing things off or in more of a leadership role in your social circles (and maybe are expecting others to give you more respect due to the roles, social status and other factors (fill in the blank, especially if you are in work situations, household