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Barry Goldstein

Remembering Every Buddy On Special Occasions and Daily...

on Tue, 05/31/2016 - 14:50
Thanks for all your hard work with others at this time of Memorial Day 2016 and many projects for years now from politics locally and on the state level to important outreach about difficult topics such as opiate addiction, Brian Ohler and friends. This thread on FB Northwest Corner Chatter along with the earlier announcements about the Memorial Day events happening on the radio, in the newspaper and elsewhere give people time to reflect even if they did not have a way to attend the services. ( I shared this on the Northwest Corner Chatter FB page, which is a closed group of 3K or so.

See National Parents Organization today (March 2016 or asap) but Don't Vote Blindly for Shared Parenting, which allows too many male abusers thru the door

on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 20:56

Not easy to have to spell this out, but the crux of a national debate the media is not covering, is that Abusive Fathers are gaining custody in costly battles. The toll is not only money and despair, but sadly the severing of times with protective mothers and in the worst cases, sexual abuse or physical abuse of the children who are stuck with their biological dad and his cohorts.

These are alarming trends which are covered in necessary ways to SAVE LIVES and PROTECT CHILDREN and their mothers on One would think when the expert advocates get clear on what is needed to

Let's hear it for all women (and the fellas who support and respect them...and vice versa) on International Woman's Day (or Women's Day) March 8th each year..and really everyday, but that's my idea

on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 19:43

With all due respect to the greater good, the divine, the circle of life, it's nice to know there's such respect for women and gals on that plan-it called International Woman's Day. Find out ways folks are acknowledging the special role women play in the world today and over the past..and hopefully can take on larger roles in saving the mothership from further harm and loss of natural resources, women's rights, and more. Kudos to all men who work along the lines of playing fair whether with others in their country or a wider scale and with both men and women seen as team players.

Soon we

The Bridge Is Out! Kids are lost to courts, Abused Moms lose out too...and much more

on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 18:28
 To the Editor:
What suffering when a bridge is out.  Everyone understands there is no easy way to cross it. Even when someone is told a bridge it out unexpectedly, as is recounted in The Wisdom of the Enneagram (about nine personality types) by Hudson and Riso, an obstinate driver may forego the warning and plunge to his end (along with his passengers). How can we advocate for personal and society safety on all levels?
What does it take to heed an urgent warning about dAnger whether about a road, a person who is not safe or a system than does not use best practices to prevent harm

Nice to Meetcha, Berkshire Edge! Plenty to ponder added on my comment too. Thanks for sharing to help whoever is driving the bUS (and media/activist buzz) in your area..not the other kind of buzz unless we're talking Bees!

on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 18:46

I discovered your site by going to the festive Business Expo held at Berkshire South and signing up. Thanks for an array of interesting and compassionate coverage of the events and people in the area. The more the MA/NY CT tri-corner area towns can support each other, the greater the chance people will stay and even move into the area. Sadly, we also need to learn from the challenges we face in terms of the changing demographics.
