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Celebrating the American Mural Project in Winsted CT with some wishes for more acknowledgement in society for ALL People! Great role model to promote care for one and all!

on Thu, 02/04/2016 - 17:39

Regarding the AMP --American Mural Project in Winsted CT which has received $1million grant from the state of CT and is nearing the completion (after a roof is raised to accommodate the massive mural which has been years in the making with thousands of folks pitching in to created...) I have the following thoughts to add some acknowledgement to people in general.

One never knows who or why a worker got into a profession or how many other lives were touched by them, so that would complete the circle. While women can have children with a sperm donation, mostly people have had children in recent decades by two people agreeing to bring a child into the world, or at least the mother choosing to keep a pregnancy. Those women and men who do not have children have also played an important role in the work force and really in society which is facing major challenges on many fronts.More people are joining in caring for children, youth and people at each stage of life in meaningful and practical ways, realizing life is a lot about caring for one another. Still the focus of AMP is to celebrate the many workers that made America great and continue to do so. So a hardy CONGRATULATIONS on the hard-won progress and funding!

When some people dream Big, they mean BIG literally. I did want to see a tribute to all people especially fathers and mothers added but I was told 'this if for working people'...well, most working people were born of a mother who said "yes' to a job she likely didn't' necessarily plan or train for, but felt for various physical, emotional, social, cultural and other such REASONS that she HAD to have the baby..or Wanted to, or some of each..and well, even though most moms are not paid outright, some actually do benefit quite nicely from support from others if not programs to help them provide care for their child/ren.

Unpaid workers also need acknowledgement, with many providing needed care, not just luxury or optional care to loved ones. I think some poster in the neighborhood could be worth posting..or maybe on a blog such as which is promoting many critical ideas in a timely fashion to help US-All survive on the planet. Now, most moms and parents and family members do not need or expect acknowledgement, but maybe we miss out on important nurturing and connections when we overlook such contributions to the big picture.

Maybe daycare and child care workers are in the mural, and really I do appreciate the gusto and steadfast journeying it's taken to the the project. Infants and youth should also be represented because frankly they may be our latest and greatest 'teachers and coaches' for us to learn from not only in practical ways but energetically and spiritually, they may be choosing to show up in our family and community circles at important times to share their gifts or even out karma or do things for not only themselves but our family and community circles, far beyond what they produce and so on. Also for all the work being done in schools, students must be willing and to some extend able to go through the process.

. IF they were given free choice, likely most would go to a camp for their early years, spend most their time in active ways, and outdoors and socializing, and making better choices for eating and exercise. In turn, few would choose to get into drugs if properly involved with good things to do and people to be around Without Pressure to Sit and Learn so dang much in a set way. When people are interested, you can't keep them from learning.

When folks are motivated, you have to work to keep them OUT of the places they want to learn and work. Ideally we could have Work Teams so people would have a few buddies to do whatever job needs doing and then could be more flexible in their scheduling and so on. Maybe the serious jobs such a surgeries and so on would merit more direction and commitment, but putting hundreds of CNA type health workers out in the community and using buddy systems for helping people get their basic personal care and living needs met would keep everyone in the flow and again, add some fun and drive to be in the game of life without medications and drugs as easy outs... Just sayin'...I'll put this on my blog since I realize it goes on a bit..

.Meanwhile there's a good film called Inhabit being offered at 7p tonight the GB library with a Green Drinks at 5:30 I think at Prarie Whale...worth a look at for permaculture ideas and again, kudos to the American Mural Project and ALL people, women, men, kids, moms and dads and so on too! Mural Project and ALL people, women, men, kids, moms and dads and so on too!

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