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Great Time to Celebrate Help With All Things Falls Village CT with their 100th Anniversary of the Fire Dept (and other key services, Ambulance and Mutual Aid from other towns and companies!)

on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 22:45

 Saturday, September 21st , 2024 (with rain date planned for Sunday, from 3-9pm)  there will be a special parade in town that will run right to the High School in Falls Village CT with more displays and events through 9pm.

 Kick-off is at 3pm but come a few hours early to enjoy the area and carpool with friends from a spot 10-30 minutes away to save on gas and need for parking 'willy nilly.' Hopefully we can learn to 'plan ahead' and get folks gathering at elementary schools and recreational areas to park and then car pool with far fewer cars (or maybe a bus or two) shuttling folks.  Just thinking out loud to help more people enjoy whatever events are put together by a community from which everyone can benefit. 

Finding ways to be safe and sensible day by day and grade by grade (and at each stage of life) can decrease the need for emergency services, or even driving if planning to do more on one trip or have others assist with errands or more neighborly help. 

I'll post more now that I'm feeling I can access this site more readily after a hiatus due to caring for others with serious needs and just 'Life!' It's a privilege and honor to be part of the smaller towns and states as well as know about the bigger ones and online forums, sometimes connecting with Vassar College classmates from the 1980s so shout out to all who like to reconnect from schools or seasons of life and share wisdom and inspiration for our times! I am writing to and hope to enliven Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach Friends United Network (A-2020 FUN) which is about community, sharing insights and ideas to help one another at each age and stage of life!

Donations and people joining in much appreciated so be in touch on Livfully on FB with a PM or be in touch for Venmo and ways to network that are win-wins! Best to all, Catherine Palmer Paton, blogger (also on and on and on with many talks from the last year, Safety PLANS Can Save Lives--Watch Kids! (and Elders who need help and everyone in between...pretty much that's all of us!)