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Ideas to get the ball rolling for communities, plus a survey

on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 15:10 is for parents and caregivers of young children through age 8 in the northwest corner of CT. These other comments are my own and have nothing to do with the survey or any organizations or schools I write about here.

By the way I have been doing an outreach called Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach for Parents as well as people of each age group and stage of life. The more we can map out what's made life work well and 'rinse and repeat' the easier it is to progress as a community and share in 'more wins'.

I'm happy to network with folks and share a lot on to promote more people being in the loop of what's going on. I have shared many ideas of others and resources too.

I was friends with the folks who years ago made The Corner Market Directory (and hope some people could renew that kind of effort to bridge services in the tri-corner area.) Community Health Programs in MA and NECC (North East Community Center) in Millerton are all helpful models and available to CT residents as are the library programs and resources. Going from "patterns to details" in terms of looking at the resources of the bigger funders and programs then seeing how more can join in and dovetail to meet their needs in smaller groups is a helpful strategy.

Thanks to all working to make their communities more 'user friendly and functional.' That counts with all kinds of online advocacy and support too (cell phone or land line access, business support--faxes, scanning, sending things in and uploading, signing and tuning into groups and such whether locally or farther afield.

I have more info I will share on my blog (and can post more about EF Schumacher Center which has more resources that are timely for 'regreening the planet and enhancing local efforts.) Falls Village will be having a talk for their residents (and maybe others can join in to listen at least and maybe participate) to envision the next ten years for the town.

Since HVRHS is there (and cool Kellogg and Falls Village Daycare and the Hunt Library and FV Congregational Church and Emergency Services Center( Fire and Ambulance center with large meeting space and kitchen too) it doesn't hurt to 'take a snapshot' of the physical resources and access pathways and other businesses and services available and that are needed.

There's Center on Main and FV Cafe downtown along with the Town Hall and the Senior Center (upstairs, above the FV Cafe) so the idea of seeing the many helpful ways the town and people are connected and 'doing more with less' (maybe having more ways to support the high school students and families and staff am and pm and weekends would make great use of people's time and save energy. With warmer weather there could be outdoor camps (with some amenities close by or added) and again with other churches and efforts joining in, could help more people understand the value of networking and learning needed skills.

With mechanics for cars, machines and more skills in high demand but with few intro offers, that could be helpful (and the Car Show in FV clearly has been popular event) so more can be shared along the lines of show cars too for all to appreciate. Then with the Vo-Ag, Science and Technology Center and Art Garage at the high school, other booster teams and programs for people of all ages could help more appreciate the basics and help with fundraising or other efforts (such as the 21st Century Fund which recently helped with the Hous. Theater Society production of Mean Girls...)

There is more funding (8 Million or so ) that has been granted to help with more mental health support and such for youth to succeed on all fronts and hopefully more info about how that will be used and those efforts supported by others explored. Thanks again to all putting their all into their work, schooling, recreational positive ventures, volunteer efforts for fire and ambulance (alongside any who are paid as well.) There are many key team players (the medical folks and caregivers on all levels whether in agencies or public institutions or private ventures.) There's a lot to learn currently and with the challenges of climate concerns, even more to do. Best to all this spring and beyond! "Let's Do This Thing!"